Alvin Crockett & Mary Sophia Reed
              Lydia Lavera Crockett
Lydia Lavera Crockett born to
Alvin Crockett & Mary Sophia Reed
1858 Oct 21 Payson, Utah, Utah   
She married
Archibald Orrell Lamoreaux
The Crockett Family
Lydia Lavera Crockett married Archibald Lamoreaux  
Lydia Lavera Crockett Lamoreaux was my maternal
I have gathered pictures of her Crockett line and share them here.
Link to Archibald Lamoreaux

Link to Crockett Ancestry

Link to Lamoreaux
                                Alvin Crockett
Alvin Crockett  “...distinguished himself in the military organization of
that day; ...They also had to “…protect the white people from the fierce
attacks of the Indians. He was a …Colonel for 12 years” “
Alvin was kind
& friendly to the Indians …when he was on guard, either day or night,
the Indians never molested them.”        
        Hopkins, Roxana Crockett, Biography of Alvin Crockett
Crockett, Alvin … was the first mayor of Logan city, [Utah] in which
capacity he served the second term; was also sheriff of Cache county
for upwards of fifteen years. ...”
       Latter-Day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, p 418
Short Histories of Alvin Crockett’
     Mary Sophia Reed Crockett         wife of Alvin Crockett
                                       I think she went by Sophia
“…Mary  would card wool into rolls & spin the yarn, card the wool into quilt batts and
make her own dyes …weave the cloth …knit stockings” “…living in Payson in an
unfinished house; one log room with out a door or windows. They had willows on the
roof, ready to be covered with dirt,  and a heavy rain came down the night the baby
was born.”                        Scott, Donna Hopkins, The Crockett Family of Maine
Links soon to come
Alvin Crockett & Mary Sophia Reed
were very influential in the settling of Payson, Utah and the Cache Valley as
shown in these histories
Stories of
David and Alvin Crockett Payson, Utah
By Madoline Cloward Dixon
lvin was the first Mayor of Payson.

Stories of
Alvin & David  Crockett
found in
The History of a Valley, Cache Valley, Utah-Idaho
Joel Ricks, Editor –
Children of Alvin Crockett & Mary Sophia Reed
Crockett Time line from Maine to Nauvoo
This document lists all known references to my
Crockett family between 1600 and 1840's.  
Crockett Time line from  Nauvoo to Arizona
This document lists all known references to my
Crockett family between 1840's to 1930.