William Rowley & Ann Jewell
William Rowley & Ann Jewell
This is a link to their slide show.
William Rowley & Ann Jewell
This is a link to their slide show.
William Rowley & Ann Jewell
This is a link to their slide show.
William Rowley & Ann Jewell
This link is to a PDF format of the slide show.
Included here are the marriage records and death and burial certificates
William as well as census records for Ann and the children.
William Rowley & Ann Jewell
This is a link to their slide show.
William Rowley History
A Word document
William Rowley History  -  
In a PDF format
Written by Roberta Benson Rowley
William Rowley was born 1785 In England.
He married first, Ann Taylor, 1807. She died.
He then married
Ann Jewell in 1836.
Ann Jewell Rowley  
was born in England in 1807.
She married
William Rowley 1836.
She traveled in the Willie Handcart
Company in 1856.
Ann Jewell Rowley History
There is a book about Ann's
journey west titled
Furnace of Afflction
William and Ann Rowley's farm was named
Mars Hill. PowerPoint slide show
Mars Hill update, in PDF format
Janice Severs, a descendant  of
William Rowley and Ann
visited Mars Hill and gathered the pictures and
information in this slide show.
William Rowley & Ann Jewell
Were born and married in England. They listen to Wilford
Woodruff preach at the Benbow farm and joined the LDS
Church. William died in England. Ann brought her 7 children to
America and across plains with the Willey Handcart Company.
This is a timeline and document list of what I know of the
events in their lives.
The father of
Ann Jewell Rowley
William Jewell

was born in England about 1780
Married first Frances Green 1800
second Sarah Hill Hyde
Time line and document list
what I know about
My Jewell Family